Producing Dancers Strong in
Body, Mind and Spirit for 80+ Years!
Fees & Policies
The 2024-2025 Dance Year will consist of 9 1⁄2 months of dance training. Classes will commence September 4, 2024 and continue through the middle of June, 2025.
Registration Fee: $75.00 for one child
$90.00 for families (2 or more)
Recital Fee: A non-refundable recital fee will be due on February 1, 2025 - more information to follow.
.5 Hour: $62.00
.75 Hour: $67.00
1 Hour: $72.00
1.25 Hours: $80.00
1.5 Hours: $88.00
1.75 Hours: $96.00
2 Hours: $110.00
2.25 Hours: $116.00
2.5 Hours: $122.00
2.75 Hours: $128.00
3 Hours: $134.00
3.25 Hours: $140.00
3.5 Hours: $146.00
3.75 Hours.: $152.00
4 Hours: $158.00
Note: For each additional hour of class per week add $24.00. (or $6.00 for each quarter hour – e.g. 4.25 hours of class per week = $164.00/month and 5 Hours class per week = $182.00/month, etc.)
Acro students ONLY (no dance classes taken) - please follow our hourly tuition guide listed above.
Dance students ADDING 1 or more Acro classes per week: Acro Add On Rate - Add $40.00 per class, to your monthly tuition.
Registration takes places annually in August at all of our studio locations. We register students face-to-face for a personalized experience, and to ensure proper class placement for growth and success. 2024-2025 registration dates are available here.
The registration process consists of the following:
Completion of a registration card
Consultation with Faculty for class selection
Payment of Registration Fee ($75 per dancer/$90 per family)
Payment of first month's tuition
If space permits, registrations are accepted year-round on a rolling basis. Stop by or contact any studio office to register today.

All tuition will be paid via our auto-draft tuition system which will begin in October 2024. A confidential auto-draft contract must be filled out for each student/family, placing a credit/debit card on file. Tuition will be drafted on the 5th of each month. For June 2025, you will only pay half of your rate.
** REFUND POLICY for Credit Card Charges - Sheffield School of the Dance***
If a credit card charge was made in error, the Responsible Party must send a written request to
The Sheffield School of the Dance, Inc. within 30 days of the original charge.
Please provide a Detailed Explanation for your request.
If your card on file is declined for any circumstance, a $25.00 service fee will be added to the outstanding monthly transaction. Card holder must immediately notify Sheffield School of the Dance with an updated form of payment. Delinquent payment over an extended period will result in cancellation of class attendance.
For students taking classes at Mobile location(s) AND Eastern Shore, tuition will be paid separately at each location. *Only one registration fee is required. A $10.00 monthly discount will be applied to students who take at both locations.
Withdrawals: If a student withdraws from a class, the parent/guardian must fill out a drop form at the front desk or the account on file will continue to be billed.
NEW! If a student withdraws from the studio entirely AFTER JANUARY 31, 2025 a one time $100.00 cancellation fee will be charged to your account.
IMPORTANT: At the time of withdrawal, tuition for that month and any outstanding tuition must be paid in full.