Producing Dancers Strong in
Body, Mind and Spirit for 80+ Years!
Dance Classes at
St. Dominic Catholic School!
Mobile’s Most Respected Dance Studio, 8 time Nappie Award winner, Sheffield School of the Dance is at St. Dominic Catholic School for the 2024-25 school year. We are very excited to offer our dance curriculum exclusively to SDCS students.
Classes will take place on Wednesdays after school in the Murphy Center starting September 4th, 2024. Classes will be instructed by Victoria Finkley, Sheffield Faculty / Alumni.
Class Schedule
SDCS Murphy Center
Ages *3-4 - Tap/Ballet
Wednesdays - 2:45 - 3:30
Tuition - $67
*Children must be 3 years old as of September 1st to participate.
Ages *5-8 - Ballet/Tap/Jazz
Wednesdays - 3:40 - 4:40
Tuition - $72
*Children must be 5 years old as of September 1st to participate.
There is a special one-time registration fee of $35 for SDCS students. The registration fee and first month’s tuition will be due at time of registration.
All tuition will be paid via our auto-draft system, which will begin in October 2024. A confidential auto-draft contract must be filled out for each student/family, and a credit/debit card must be placed on file. Tuition will be drafted on the 5th of each month. For June 2025, you will only pay half of your rate.
If your card on file is declined for any circumstance, a $25.00 service fee will be added to the outstanding monthly transaction. Cardholder must immediately notify Sheffield School of the Dance with an updated form of payment. Delinquent payment over an extended period will result in cancellation of class attendance.
Dance Attire/Shoes
Dance Shoes: Students will wear pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes. For jazz class, students will leave their ballet shoes on.
Dancewear: Students will wear a leotard and/or skirt, tights are optional because it can be hard for the children to change into them.
Each SDCS dance class will perform one group dance in the SDCS Talent Show in May 2025 as well as in our end of the year recital, “Showtime 2025” in June 2025 at the USA Mitchell Center. More information will be sent out in January regarding what genre they will be performing and costume information. Please know that regular attendance throughout the year and the few weeks before each performance are essential. This ensures that all dancers are fully prepared and confident before performing on stage.
We will be using Group Me for all communication regarding classes/information. Once registration is complete, you will receive a GroupMe invitation. This will be our primary means of communication. Please download the app to stay up-to-date on all information.
For questions contact:
Victoria Finkley